Everyone knew it was coming, because it does every year, but The Pokémon Company has officially confirmed that Pokémon Day 2025 is getting its own Pokémon Prese ...
The Pokémon Company is teasing its annual "Pokémon Presents" video presentation that will be held Feb. 27 on Pokémon Day.
Just like in the anime series, the Pokémon movies have several displays of action-packed battles, with several Pokémon ...
With over 200 collectible sync pairs of Pokemon and their masters, it sure can get confusing for new players and veterans alike to come to a definitive conclusion about which ones are the best and ...
The Pokemon Company hasn’t confirmed a release date yet, but Pokémon TCG fan site Pokebeach has estimated that Legends ZA is likely to come out in the Fall of 2025, based on the release schedule for ...
Pokemon isn't all about types and stats. With the right strategy and a bit of training, any Pokemon can be a force to be reckoned with.
Despite making its Pokemon Go debut in 2016, the purple Transform Pokemon Ditto still manages to evade many trainers, which can be frustrating if you’re trying to catch one to fill out your ...
Yet some adorable pocket monsters also exist, rounding out the daunting and formidable species with some insanely cute options as well, ensuring that Pokémon Trainers of all pref ...
For example, you may see a Diglett, and it’ll stay a Diglett once you tap on it, but it’s secretly a Ditto. Once you catch that Pokémon, you’ll be met with an “Oh?” prompt, and it’ll ...