(credit: Ross Land/Getty Images) The Crown issued an apology for ... "Today, Taranaki, our maunga [mountain], our maunga tupuna [ancestral mountain], is released from the shackles, the shackles ...
Taonga is a broad and encompassing word. In the Māori version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi the Crown granted te iwi Māori tino rangatiratanga over our whenua, kainga and taonga. Taonga, in this sense, ...
A general view of Yarrow Stadium and Mount Taranaki (Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images) Taranaki Maunga will continue to be accessible to the general public despite its legal status. There will ...
Mount Taranaki — now known as Taranaki Maunga, its Māori name — is the latest natural feature to be granted personhood in New ...
Mount Taranaki — now known as Taranaki Maunga, its Māori name — is the latest natural feature to be granted personhood in New Zealand, which has ruled that a river and a stretch of sacred ...
Mount Taranaki — now known as Taranaki Maunga, its Māori name — is the latest natural feature to be granted personhood in New Zealand, which has ruled that a river and a stretch of sacred ...
Taranaki Maunga made the very ground we stand on, the land we live from. Drawing clouds close he brings our water: his snow and ice, his once-glorious awa. The reefs he flung out shape our waves ...
Mount Taranaki — now known as Taranaki Maunga, its Māori name — is the latest natural feature to be granted personhood in New Zealand.
He said longer grass on the maunga had increased the risk of fires. “In terms of fire mitigation, that’s never been an issue until the grass has gotten taller,” Turner said. Hammon said ...
America has always stripped the land of its original, Indigenous names. It's had surprising climate implications.
A settlement under which a New Zealand mountain has been granted the same legal right as a person has become law after years of negotiations. It means Taranaki Maunga [Mt Taranaki] will effectively ...