Kepsek MAN 2 yang didemo siswanya itu pasrah kepada pimpinannya atau kepada Kemenag setelah viral videonya didemo siswa.
BEKASI, - Kepala Sekolah MAN 2 Kota Bekasi Nina Indriana mengaku siap diganti setelah ratusan pelajarnya menuntutnya mundur. Nina mengaku bersedia menanggalkan posisinya apabila pimpinan ...
BEKASI, - Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) Kota Bekasi meminta Kepala Sekolah MAN 2 Kota Bekasi Nina Indriana memenuhi tuntutan pelajar dalam aksi unjuk rasa pada Senin (17/2/2025). Tuntutan itu ...
DEMO MAN 2 KOTA BEKASI - Sebanyak 850 pelajar MAN 2 Kota Bekasi menggelar aksi protes, Senin (17/2/2025) (Via - Sebanyak 850 pelajar MAN 2 Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat ...
DEMO MAN 2 KOTA BEKASI - Sebanyak 850 pelajar MAN 2 Kota Bekasi menggelar aksi protes, Senin (17/2/2025). Kepala Sekolah (Kepsek) MAN 2 Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Nina Indriana, mengaku siap jika ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT – Sebuah utas di media sosial X menjadi viral. Utas tersebut berisi tentang protes dari seorang siswa di MAN 2 Kota Bekasi. Akun dengan username @kontraazd tersebut mengungkapkan soal ...
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 fans grow concerned for its PC release as Insomniac remains quiet on the upcoming launch. There is currently no option to pre-purchase Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on PC and no ...
Now, that’s happened with Spider-Man 2, the sequel to the most-played exclusive of the PS4 generation. Things have not gone smoothly so far. This is two years after the original game was ...
After over a year of console exclusivity, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is swinging to PC. Insomniac’s third stand-alone Spider-Man game tells the tale of Peter Parker and Miles Morales as they deal ...
To celebrate the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PC, Marvel Rivals players are getting access to the Insomniac Games-designed suit in the store. This new bundle will be available for all ...
Tyler Colp is a games writer at Polygon specializing in criticism and reporting about extraordinary players and communities. We’re back with another list of new game releases this week, and it ...