V Geoprohlížeči ČÚZK si můžete prohlédnout nové letecké snímky Česka. Státní kartografové fotografují střídavě každý rok zhruba polovinu země. Loni se dostal na řadu východ (východní Čechy, Vysočina, ...
Mezinárodní výzkumný tým k tomu dodal data, z nichž vyplývá ... Sekvence pocházely od ptáků a byly odebrány v letech 1996 až 2023. Logo. Kredit: University of Oxford. Oliver Pybus z britských Royal ...
If that’s how you’re going to access DeepSeek, you should know that all your data, including your chats, will be sent to China and stored on Chinese servers. If TikTok has taught us anything ...
If successful, an upcoming mission will establish the first lunar data center. Florida-based startup Lonestar Data Holdings plans to launch the first Moon-based data center dubbed the "Freedom ...
Author and medical technology engineer Todd Zive was just 4 years old in 1980 when his father was murdered by an armed robber in the Easthampton pharmacy he owned, leaving his mother Eydie alone ...
Clearsense, a cloud-based data enablement platform company, announced a transformative brand overhaul, along with the relocation of its headquarters to Nashville, Tennessee.
Circana is the preferred data provider for Ahold Delhaize USA companies, supplying analytical support to strengthen decision-making, improve supply chain efficiencies and better understand shopper ...
Apple has shared the first details on user adoption of iOS 18 so far. The company says that iOS 18 is currently installed on 68% of all iPhones and on 76% of iPhones introduced in the last four ...