"E’ un dato di fatto che la base navale spezzina, sede della prima flotta della Marina militare della Repubblica italiana, è un porto di mare. Ma quella ...
The evolution of the left-back position has seen some true greats of the game emerge over the years. Milan's Paolo Maldini, one of the trailblazers of the position, features on the list following ...
The aircraft was launched in 1985. This aircraft was kept in reserve after the multipurpose Landing Helicopter dock (LHD) Trieste was commissioned. According to a report of Janes, An Italian Navy ...
La Marina indonesiana starebbe trattando l'acquisto della portaerei italiana diesmessa ITS Giuseppe Garibaldi: ecco tutto quello che sappiamo ...
Google Drive is an immensely popular cloud storage service, and one of the most generous free tools on the market. It’s powerful and easy to use, but learning how to use Google Drive can be ...
The Italian Navy's new multi-purpose landing helicopter dock (LHD) Trieste has replaced Giuseppe Garibaldi and will take the role of flagship for Italy's amphibious task group. Fincantieri ...
“I suffered nerve damage, and it hasn’t gotten better. I can’t move it,” he said during a 2010 interview with People about his hand. Though Morgan underwent surgery to repair nerve damage ...
Several netizens claimed he was moving his leg like a "piece of wood." Amid concerns surrounding his health, US President Donald Trump was reportedly seen 'limping' during a weekend golf outing at ...
Google Drive is a versatile and powerful cloud storage platform that enables you to store, manage, and share files seamlessly across devices. Whether you’re new to the platform or looking to ...
Lo scrive in una breve nota il Procuratore facente funzioni di Trieste, Federico Frezza, riferendosi al deposito della perizia svolta dai consulenti Cristina Cattaneo, Stefano Tambuzzi ...
Hockey celebrated its 150th anniversary on Monday, with the first official game taking place at Montreal’s Victoria indoor rink on March 3, 1875. Ministers of Culture and Sport, Mathieu Lacombe ...