The Ratte was designed to be the biggest tank ever built, a 1000-ton beast that could dominate the battlefield. But why was this colossal war machine never completed, and could it have changed history ...
I love the BrickHeadz series of LEGO sets. They’re just adorable. They’re kind of like pixelated NES-style renderings of favorite characters. These new sets feature the Transformers Optimus ...
LEGO announced earlier this year that we'd be getting new Minecraft Movie sets, and the time has finally come for them to be released into the world. There are four new Minecraft sets that you can ...
Considering how many of them there are these days, finding the best Lego sets can feel like an impossible task. Or like finding a brick in a haystack of bricks, actually. You can choose between ...
Ausstellung Zwei Räder, eine Welt - 25 Fotografien von 5 Kontinenten. Eine Ausstellung von Ostkreuz-Agentur der Fotografen Mittwoch25.12.2024 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr Ausstellung Zwei Räder, eine Welt - 25 ...
Als erstes Zeichen im chinesischen Tierkreis gilt die Ratte als besonders humorvoll und ausgesprochen weise. Zugrunde liegt hier der Legende nach die Tatsache, dass die Ratte sich gegen andere, ...
The Norway rat has important impacts on our life. They are amongst the most used research subjects, resulting in ground-breaking advances. At the same time, wild rats live in close association with us ...
Das schmeckt doch nicht, oder? War dem Australier offenbar egal - der 25-Jährige biss einer lebendigen Ratte den Kopf ab. In Brisbane wurde er nun zu 100 Stunden gemeinnütziger Arbeit verurteilt ...