Tuangkan bumbu marinasi ke dalam ayam.Persiapkan Bahan Lain: Potong-potong jamur shitake, jahe, dan bawang pre dan geprek 2 siung bawang putih.Susun dalam Wadah Anti Panas: Susun potongan jahe, jamur ...
Berikut ini adalah resep bumbu ayam goreng lezat dan bergizi. Ayam goreng merupakan salah satu hidangan favorit yang disukai oleh berbagai kalangan. Kunci kelezatan ayam goreng terletak pada bumbu ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT – Hujan lebat dan banjir bandang melanda AS bagian Tenggara, sedangkan sebagian besar wilayah Timur negara itu mengalami cuaca buruk. Setidaknya sembilan orang dipastikan tewas akibat ...
Over 1,000 people have been rescued across the state. The death toll in Kentucky has risen to 15 from a devastating storm that battered the state this weekend. "Kentucky, please add another family ...
Eleven people have died in Kentucky due to flooding, Gov. Andy Beshear said Sunday. Among the deceased are a 7-year-old child and their mother, who were found in a submerged vehicle in Hart County ...
At least eight people, including a child, are confirmed dead in Kentucky after heavy storms swept through the state, according to officials. On Sunday, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear confirmed the ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Severe flooding has wreaked havoc across Kentucky, leading to more than 1,000 rescues as emergency teams race to help those trapped by rising waters. At least nine fatalities ...
Gubernur Kentucky Andy Beshear mengatakan badai juga telah memutus aliran listrik ke sekitar 39.000 rumah, dan mengatakan angin kencang di beberapa daerah dapat memperparah pemadaman listrik.
Sedikitnya sembilan orang tewas dalam gelombang cuaca buruk terbaru yang menghantam Amerika Serikat, termasuk delapan orang di Kentucky yang tewas saat sungai meluap akibat hujan lebat dan air ...
Dan Diamond is a White House reporter for The Washington Post. He was previously a national health reporter covering politics, policy and public health. He joined The Post in 2021 after covering ...
Untuk menopang gizi yang seimbang, satu porsi akan berisi sebungkus nasi, sayur, sepotong buah, dan juga protein. Ikan akan menjadi opsi utama untuk mengganti daging ayam atau sapi dalam program MBG.
Education: University of Illinois, B.S. in communications and M.S. in communications Dan Balz is chief correspondent at The Washington Post. He joined The Post in 1978 and has been involved in ...