Calming aids such as a plug-in diffuser or calming spray can help ease dog’s nerves during storms. However, if loud noises or storms cause your dog distress you can also speak to your vet about ...
The sudden sound of fireworks can be unsettling to pets. Whether it’s the smell, noise, or flashes of light, your dog may exhibit symptoms of anxiety such as panting, shaking, drooling, hiding ...
“It’s not as exciting as using a safe word in the bedroom,” Haman teased to The Post, adding that trendy technique has helped keep his emotions ... and to remain calm because we have each ...
So too, there are meaningful ways to nurture a sense of calm and resilience within ourselves. When anxiety strikes, it often ...
No matter how intense an exchange may become, you should never let anyone degrade or hurl insults at you using offensive ...
"Your brain will subconsciously hold you back from the success that you desire if your goals are not wired in to feel safe," ...
To calm his nerves, he used a simple remedy ... “I found myself playing it safe,” he said. “I didn’t want to be the reason we ...
A former paramedic has shared a crucially important mistake people should never make if they're unlucky enough to find ...
That's the advice from David Ko. His new book " Recharge " challenges readers to give their mental health the same attention ...
Kristen Keeling and LMPD Detective Kyle Willis were named distinguished citizens by Mayor Greenberg on Wednesday.
Travel jitters are normal in even the best of times. Here, a doctor who helps patients manage phobia and anxiety offers ways ...
The UK's counterterrorism chief compared the harm caused by social media to the "cancer" of smoking and suggested a possible ...