Go to bed. Saying night-night to your devices at the same time every night could do wonders for your sleep and overall happiness. It's called a digital sunset and the new trend is easy to try.
KCRA 3 Weather meteorologist Dirk Verdoorn looks at a brief break from the cool, unsettled weather and when more rain and snow will arrive in Northern California. KCRA 3 Weather meteorologist Dirk ...
Singer Heo Gak's remake track is unveiled. Heo Gak will release the remake track "Dan" on the 23rd at 6 p.m. through various online music sites. "Dan" is the title track of Kim Don-kyu's album "Mu ...
later becoming a newscast producer at Hearst’s KCRA-TV/KQCA-TV, Sacramento’s longtime recognized news leader. He holds a bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism from the Newhouse School at ...