Stimulation of IL-27-treated monocytes with IL-27rα and IL-10 downregulates expression of PGDH, DEPP, and CR1 by STAT1 and SOCS3. Ebi3, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-induced gene 3; ERK, extracellular ...
⚠️ The latest stable version is only compatible with Julia v1.8.5 and higher. Cthulhu can help you debug type inference issues by recursively showing the type-inferred code until you find the exact ...
oneAPI.jl provides support for working with the oneAPI unified programming model. The package is verified to work with the (currently) only implementation of this interface that is part of the Intel ...
Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) are fundamental for understanding vertebrate evolution, yet their genomes are understudied. We report long-read sequencing of the whale shark genome to generate ...
At the time of euthanasia, tail samples were collected, tissue was digested, and DNA was extracted utilizing the Qiagen DN-easy kit. Samples were sent to Transnetyx automated genotyping, and P301S and ...
Consistent patterns of positive selection in functionally similar genes can suggest a common selective pressure across a group of species. We use alignments of orthologous protein-coding genes from 39 ...