Symptoms of a heart attack look different in women. Here are six key signs of a heart attack, besides chest pain.
Recognising early warning signs of heart attack can make all the difference in detecting heart issues in time and receiving ...
One in five deaths in the United States is linked to cardiovascular diseases, which include heart attacks, heart disease, strokes or other related conditions.
BACKGROUND: The optimal coronary stenting technique for true left main bifurcation lesions is uncertain. EBC MAIN (European Bifurcation Club Left Main Trial) aimed to evaluate clinical outcomes of a ... Background Endovascular therapy administered within 24 hours has been shown to improve outcomes for patients with acute ischemic stroke with large infarction, but the data on its ...
the time of day/night when symptoms onset; previous infarction, and associated symptoms, such as profuse sweating, arterial hypotension, and intensity of precordial pain severity. 6-8 In Brazil, ...
3 The George Institute for Global Health at Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China Objectives To describe the prehospital and in-hospital delays to care and factors associated with ... Despite prompt reperfusion by primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI), the mortality and morbidity of patients presenting with an acute ST-segment elevation myocardial ...
Introduction Low health literacy is common in people with cardiovascular disease and may be one factor that affects an individual’s ability to maintain secondary prevention health behaviours following ...
However, their effects on major cardiac events, such as myocardial infarction (MI), need to be investigated further. Objectives To investigate whether XOIs and colchicine are associated with decreased ...
Pedraza-Cruz, P. , Varghese, M. , DiGiacomo, D. , Spencer, C. and Horani, O. (2025) Adrenal Crisis Secondary to Bilateral ...