A humpback whale appeared to swallow then spit out a kayaker in a viral video filmed off the coast of Chile. But was he actually in any danger?
But studying them can teach scientists about the inner workings of these animals ... dolphin species and more. She lifts a brain out of the largest plastic container. It's from that baby humpback ...
Time is of the essence for a Brazilian neuroscientist who wants to study whale and dolphin brains before the brains decompose ...
various dolphin species and more. She takes the lid off the largest plastic container to lift a hefty-looking brain out of the liquid preservative. It's from that baby humpback she swam ashore to ...
various dolphin species and more. She takes the lid off the largest plastic container to lift a hefty-looking brain out of the liquid preservative. It’s from that baby humpback she swam ashore ...