The Odessa American is the leading source of local news, information, entertainment and sports for the Permian Basin.
Here's how to identify the insects eating your garden leaves by the evidence they leave behind. If leafcutter bees are ...
In a field experiment, scientists compared two groups of insects with different diets and discovered a food-chain reaction.
The need for 'urgent' research and development of sustainable crop protection methods for sugar beet has been raised ...
The plant immune system, which differs significantly from that of humans, utilises small RNA sequences to deactivate or ...
Aphids may be nearly invisible to the untrained eye, but a research scientist who specializes in crop-destroying insects warns Saskatchewan farmers not to ...
Nearly all gardeners have tales of how their once-pristine crops came to be ravaged by an onslaught of insects.
SUGAR cane farmers in Chiredzi are concerned over high cane milling charges, which reportedly chew 23 percent of their gross ...
"It's a win for ... every single person in this country." Government alters future of agriculture industry with ban on common ...
For apple scab, do one spray now while the tree is dormant and the tips of the buds are green. Spray again later in winter ...
Manitoba had a number of pests last year that topped John Gavloski’s short list of crop insect problems.
For colder climates, you should pick varieties that are specifically bred for cold tolerance. Dwarf Blue Curled and Winterbor ...