In the Hawaiian Islands, where many Japanese people had immigrated since the Meiji Era (1868-1912), a unique, localized form of Kabuki has been developing for more than a century. Hawaiian Kabuki ...
The joys and struggles of the bygone days of the Westside’s Japanese plantation workers are celebrated with a new five-song ...
In Hawaii, Japanese is a language in transition ... said University of Hawaii at Hilo sociology professor Alton Okinaka. But most people did not return. “The second generation — they had ...
Rather than acting as kamikazes at Pearl Harbour in 1941, Japanese pilots were ordered to return to their carriers after unleashing their devastating attack. But how did that return journey play out?
And, they were the first group of people from Japan to board ships and sail to Hawaii. As a samurai, Ishii faced a changing world in Japan. The former rulers, the shogunate, resigned power ...
At first, plans had been drawn up in Washington for the wholesale internment of all 158,000 people of Japanese descent living in Hawaii, too – nearly 40 percent of the total population of the ...
The return of the Japan market to Hawaii has been much anticipated ... “It’s not the kind of dire news that we want to tell people, but as a marketing person for so long, we have to really ...
While the industry continues to rebound, the Japanese market is still lagging. More than 770,000 people traveled to Hawaii this October. That’s just shy of what we saw in October 2019 ...