This Hawaiian beach, nestled in a state park on Kauai's west shore, stretches 17 miles and offers picturesque views. Camp, ...
Research published in 2010 – the first on Bikini’s reef in decades – indicated that about 70% of coral species at Bikini ...
Although the Kamaehuakanaloa Seamount has been a little restless recently, new information about the undersea volcano is ...
Most people completely underestimate the true size of Hawaii! While it may look small on a standard map, Hawaii’s total land area, including its vast ocean territory, makes it much larger than most ...
The coral reefs of Nha Trang, Vietnam, are in severe decline due to climate change, overfishing, and pollution.
NHA TRANG, Vietnam (AP) — The gentle waves off the coast of central Vietnam’s Nha Trang obscure an open secret: The life-giving coral reefs below are dying. The waters are eerily devoid of fish.
Feb. 5, 2025 — A new study of the Great Barrier Reef has revealed that the network of no-take marine reserves supplies nearly half of the region's coral trout fishery ... Jan. 10, 2025 — To ...
Baldwin Beach Park and much of the surrounding land used to be owned by Maui’s Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, or HC&S, ...
From the Midwest to the South, the U.S. has experienced dangerous cold snaps this winter that challenge grid operators to ...
The bloom of a stinky Ohio wildflower means warmer weather is on the way. Ohio’s first wildflower, a skunk cabbage, was ...
Las Palmas is a popular place to base a Canary Islands vacation ... Guarded by a barrier reef, the waters are gentle and suitable for travelers of all ages. And the promenade that backs the ...
According to Hawaiian legend, the dry landscape occurred as a result of a challenge between two priests who were tasked with keeping a fire burning on their respective islands longer than the other.