The great horned owl is the most common owl of the Americas ... Monogamous pairs have one to five eggs (two is typical), both the male and female incubate, and the male also hunts for food.
One of the greatest joys of nature is that it is always showing you something new, if you are just willing to watch and listen. Thirty-one years of living in the same nature paradise has brought ...
We often get confused or upset when that happens. This came to mind the other day while photographing a mother great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) and young owlet. What’s so unusual about that ...
“What’s better than one Great Horned Owl wildlife rehab success story ... equal distance between each of them. “The adult male owl from this tandem release was picked up earlier in the ...
It’s not just about enforcing laws; it’s about making a difference.” The vet confirmed it was a Great Horned Owl and started immediate care. By the end of the day, the owl was reported to be ...