Looking for the most recent Mini Crossword answer? Click here for today's Mini Crossword hints, as well as our daily answers ...
Most days, there are between three and five clues in each direction on a five by five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes ...
Sia! Abba! ELO! Let us help you solve some puzzles with this compilation of songs by crossword-famous musicians.
Meryl Streep and Martin Short might be one? Maybe?
Wexford, Savannah's Irish Pub is one of USA Today's Restaurants of the Year. Co-owner Jennifer Strickland shared the recipe ...
The festival's famous moussaka has baked layers of eggplant, potatoes and ground beef, all topped with béchamel sauce and ...
While there’s never any hard number on that, constructors have often used 16 percent of the grid as a benchmark. As one comparison, my Dec. 22 puzzle “Sign of the Times” had 89 black squares in a ...
Whenever Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday, it just feels like there’s an extra dose of romance in the air. Or perhaps that’s ...
Options include naming a feral cat after your old flame before it’s neutered — or giving rodents or cockroaches your love bug’s name before feeding them to bigger animals. The Minnesota Zoo’s campaign ...
The news keeps getting worse for fans of fabric and crafting store Joann, which is now set to close more than half of its ...