Ganesh Jayanti, also known as Magha Shukla Chaturthi, Tilkund Chaturthi, and Varad Chaturthi, is an important Hindu festival ...
"We fully support it because it is part of preserving our culture," said 23-year-old banker Devi Aristya Nurhidayanti, standing in front of the Ganesha statue. "Nowadays, not many people are aware ...
Andhra Pradesh’s Republic Day tableau, showcasing the state’s rich heritage through Etikoppaka toys, secured third prize in ...
Indonesia has successfully reclaimed 828 cultural artifacts from the Netherlands, including a rare four-armed statue of the Hindu god Ganesha, marking a significant achievement in its effort to ...
Extremely popular for housing the largest Ganpati statue in the world, the Khajrana Ganesh temple is a popular landmark in Indore. It was built way back in 1735 by Rani Ahilyabai Holkar ...
They are located within a 10-km radius around 50km south-west of Purulia town. Lord Ganesha in seated posture and (right) a statue of a severely damaged four-handed deity inside Buddheshwar Temple ...