("How many people are going to watch this, realistically?" Shackleton wonders during the film.) The winner of Sundance's NEXT Innovator Award is partly about Lafferty's investigation but also an ...
How is this for whiplash? Fresh off a hot batch of Oscar nominations, we now turn to the week’s other big news, a new edition of the Sundance Film Festival, where independent cinema will make ...
Moving a week later in the calendar this year, the Sundance Film Festival kicks off this Thursday and runs through February 2, offering a first glimpse at the year in cinema with (once again) a mix of ...
„În luptă, pur și simplu se năpusteau înainte din liziera pădurii, ca într-un film despre Al Doilea Război Mondial”, și-a amintit Ihorovici. Asalturile din cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial aveau adesea ...
The Official Film Chart is a rundown of the UK’s favourite films of the week, as bought on DVD, Blu-Ray and download and is compiled by the Official Charts Company, based on sales across a seven ...
„În luptă, pur și simplu se aruncau înainte din linia copacilor, ca într-un film despre Al Doilea Război Mondial”, a spus IhorovIch. Atacurile de acest tip, frecvente în acel război, aveau de obicei ...
Filmul de debut al regizorului Radu Gabrea a ajuns la Cannes în 1971, în noua secțiune paralelă Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, după ce câștigase deja premiul juriului pentru tineret la Locarno. Film de ...
Sundance Film Festival is upon us again, shining a light on the best of the best in independent cinema. For more than 40 years, Sundance, which kicks off Thursday (and runs through Feb. 3), has ...
It’s because new film fans are still being born every day, and need a place to start. So consider this a road map. 👽 The best sci-fi movies of all-time 💣 The best action movies of all-time ...
Once dismissed as a relic of the past, film photography has made a striking comeback in recent years. Platforms like Instagram and niche sites such as Analogue Wonderland have helped reignite interest ...
Film Independent awards over $845,000 in cash and production services to filmmakers each year. Film Independent Grants & Awards allow filmmakers to advance their current projects and help recognize ...
Rareș Bogdan avertizează că războiul este foarte aproape de România și că Putin nu se va opri doar la Ucraina. Europarlamentarul consideră că singura șansă a țării noastre este o reprezintă o alianță ...