Evergreens can collect snow and ice, eventually snapping under the weight of winter precipitation. Here's how to protect ...
Ahead, here are some of the most commonly available invasive plants you should never plant: ...
Gardening tips from Clemson Cooperative Extension for protecting plants during cold snaps and freezing temperatures, which ...
Winter wind is often more damaging than cold weather for UK gardens - here's how to stop high airflow wreaking havoc on your garden ...
January is an ideal time to prune some of the most popular backyard shrubs and trees. However, while it is good for some it ...
Euonymus are generally easy to care for as houseplants and can tolerate a little neglect. They won't be as fussy as a ...
Protect garden plants from cold temperatures, drying winds, and occasional freezes by providing insulation, protecting roots, ...
I am constantly on the lookout for the best plants for a courtyard garden as I have a small courtyard garden myself. It's a ...
Have you taken down your Christmas tree yet? We haven’t, but that’s no surprise. Our family record is the middle of March.
SOME homeowners gaze out their windows and see lush and beautiful gardens. Others would like to see lush and beautiful ...
Orders can be done online at www.mowerswcd.org, via postal mail and at the MSWCD office in Austin at 1408 21st Ave. NW, just ...
The latter would have the least drastic effect but require the most patience. Evergreen trees and shrubs should only undergo selective pruning (the shortening of individual branches). Take care to ...