Gardening tips from Clemson Cooperative Extension for protecting plants during cold snaps and freezing temperatures, which ...
According to The Mirror, carefully selecting the right plants can transform your garden into a haven for birds while adding ...
Lesley and Tom Mack have turned their three-acre Luray property from a bare lawn into a garden bursting with life.
January is an ideal time to prune some of the most popular backyard shrubs and trees. However, while it is good for some it ...
Euonymus are generally easy to care for as houseplants and can tolerate a little neglect. They won't be as fussy as a ...
Holiday poinsettias: Poinsettias are so popular as winter holiday plants that Dec. 12 was set aside by an Act of Congress as ...
Potted plants are an excellent way to add color and beauty to your space. Growing your plants in containers makes it easy to ...
Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is harvested this time of year and is available for digging throughout California.
First, grab a notepad and take a walk around the garden. Assess each section, determining which plants can be saved, which ...
Keep in mind that the best gardens are not only beautiful in the spring, summer and fall, but with proper planning, winter ...
If your garden is new, get to know it by noting where the light is falling and the soil conditions throughout the year — ...
Plant more natives, grow something new and keep a gardening journal are a few of the tips Sonoma County Master Gardeners off ...