Vereadores, arquitetos, professores, estudantes e populares lotaram o auditório da Câmara de Santos na noite desta quarta (26) ...
Imóvel na Praia da Aparecida formou gerações de santistas, mas está à beira da ruína e foi dado como garantia em dívidas milionárias com o Governo Federal ...
Moradores da Vila Carvalho reclamam há meses de um buraco na esquina das ruas Escolástica Rosa de Almeida com a Júlio Prestes, que causa estragos em veículos. Um pedaço de ferro da estrutura interna d ...
A Escola Técnica Estadual Dona Escolástica Rosa Santos (Etec) anuncia a realização de um Processo Seletivo que tem como objetivo preencher uma vaga para o cargo de Auxiliar de Docente. A oportunidade ...
Ruben Gutierrez, sentenced to death for the 1998 murder of Escolastica Harrison, is challenging the constitutionality of state laws that restrict post-conviction DNA testing. Gutierrez argues that DNA ...
Ruben Gutierrez, 47, was sentenced to death for the 1998 killing of Escolastica Harrison in Brownsville. The 85-year-old woman was killed when Gutierrez and two other men broke into her mobile ...
A jury sentenced him to death for the 1998 Brownsville killing of Escolastica Harrison. Prosecutors say Gutierrez was part of a scheme to steal $600,000 from the 85-year-old retired school teacher ...
Gutierrez was sentenced to death for the 1998 murder of Escolastica Harrison in 1998. Harrison was found beaten and stabbed to death. Gutierrez was found guilty as part of a scheme to steal $ ...
Ruben Gutierrez was convicted of capital murder and other charges tied to the 1998 robbery and killing of 85-year-old Escolastica Harrison. Prosecutors said Gutierrez and two others plotted to ...