This Equal Educational Opportunity policy provides procedures that will be used when a college student believes that they have experienced discrimination by a staff or faculty member, in violation of ...
The University originally adopted an affirmative action and equal opportunity policy in November 1972. This policy, which has undergone review and revision over the years, serves as the official ...
Purdue University promulgates policies and programs to ensure that all persons have equal access to its employment opportunities and educational programs, services and activities. The principal ...
The University of Nevada, Reno's Statement of Policy and Intent represents our commitment to equal employment and educational opportunity. In conformity with federal and state law and university ...
Purdue University is committed to maintaining a community which recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect ...
The University's Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy prohibits all forms of discrimination within the campus community. Wilkes University is committed to providing a welcoming ...