Scientists at Medical University of Vienna, The University of Queensland and Universität Innsbruck have identified cysteine stapled dynorphin A (CSD) analogues acting as Îș-opioid receptor antagonists ...
Big dynorphin may protect neurons from the accumulation of Alzheimer's-associated amyloid Dec 21, 2022 Structural analysis shows Alzheimer's disease mutation produces 'cottonwool' structures in ...
The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) has been implicated in conditioned fear and anxiety, but the specific factors that engage the BNST in defensive behaviors are unclear. Here we examined ...
Polter et al. have now discovered how stress activates ÎșORs. It turns out that stressful or unpleasant experiences cause the brain to produce a protein called dynorphin, which binds to and activates ...