Seventh day Research Task Breakthroughs PvP battles Beating Team Go Rocket leaders Earning a Mystery Item in the Go Battle League Pokémon that can evolve using Sinnoh Stones Many Pokémon from ...
The Intermediate deck swaps out a bunch of one-of Basic Pokemon for some Stage 1 Pokemon like Dusclops, Drifblim, and Beheeyem, plus a second copy of Cresselia and two copies of Professor's Research.
Team Go Rocket Grunts are recurring villains in the world of Pokémon Go. 'Villains' might be a bit strong - they’re mostly minor nuisances that either slow down gameplay or give you something ...
If you’ve never played a minute of competitive Pokémon you might not know this, but the ghost Pokémon Dusclops is something of a tank, and when I say something of a tank, I mean potentially one of the ...
What are the best ghost Pokémon in Pokémon Go? We love ghost-types at Pocket Tactics, and we have a special fondness for the pseudo-legendary Dragapult. So you can count on us to help you pick the ...
Shinies are found by simply trying to catch Pokémon and seeing if they display as an alternate colour in the battle and post-battle screens. Normal (left) vs Shiny (right). Credit reddit user ...
The Pokémon TCG EUIC was held last weekend. Let's take a look at the biggest winners of the tournament to see where the meta is heading.