Even though these were different fusions to PRKACA and were identified in ... Reference: Requena D, Medico JA, Soto-Ugaldi LF, et al. Liver cancer multiomics reveals diverse protein kinase A ...
Dr Hasan also listed diarrhoea as a symptom of liver cancer. Diarrhoea can be a symptom of a number of different health complaints, many of which are common and should go away on their own.
Biliary tract cancer is increasing in incidence and mortality across Europe, with more people under the age of 60 years old ...
A guardian molecule ensures that liver cells do not lose their identity. This has been discovered by researchers from the ...
A new approach combining immunotherapy, radiation, and surgery enabled successful liver cancer removal in a high-risk patient ...
Scientists at EMBL and DKFZ have discovered how cells in the liver maintain their identity and avoid becoming tumour cells ...
After 15 years, 20.9% in the surgical group but 46.4% in the nonsurgical group developed one of the major complications of liver disease, including liver cancer and death. “We showed ...