Sharks are becoming a popular feature in home aquariums, but there’s a clear distinction between freshwater and saltwater ...
The call center belonged to Freshwater Software, a now defunct company based in Boulder, Colorado. Instead of traditional ...
A community of rare fish enthusiasts collects endangered species of freshwater fish from lakes and springs around the world, ...
Thorny skates come in two distinct sizes along the Atlantic Coast of North America, but no one could figure out why. Then their numbers began to plummet, and it became imperative for scientists to ...
Lake Tanganyika, a shining jewel nestled in the heart of Africa, stands as a testament to the delicate balance of nature. Its ...
Fish can change their teeth quickly, which speeds up their evolution. Cichlids in African lakes show the fastest ...
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Dr. Nora Schulz, Dr. Robert Peuß) Übung: *) Laboratory course: Animal evolution and biodiversity [134073] (in ...
Cosmic rays from a nearby supernova would soon rain down on the unsuspecting cichlids, tearing apart their DNA, causing the fish to mutate and opening the door for myriad viruses to infect their ...
The animal kingdom never ceases to amaze with its diverse reproductive strategies. While most creatures give birth conventionally, some species have evolved unique methods, including delivering their ...
Fish, including cichlids, have either “simple” teeth, basically cone-shaped pegs, or “complex” teeth with multiple cusps that can adapt to feed on different prey. Peoples spent two years ...
African Cichlidae, also known as cichlids, the most diverse and textbook example of species diversification to fill different niches (a phenomenon known as adaptive radiation), were dominated by ...