Today's trailer showed off Buneary, Spewpa, Fletchling, Sandile and more. Numerous other species can be seen alongside humans in the game's other areas - this surburban setting filled with ...
The Sinnoh region, introduced in Pokemon GO as part of the game's expansion beyond Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn, is home to some of the most powerful and sought-after Pokemon. The Platinum Sinnoh medal ...
Starting with the timid Buneary, a gen 4 Pokémon native to Sinnoh’s Eterna Forest, before evolving into Lopunny, this normal-type evolutionary line didn’t have much to write home about until mega ...
Pokemon Go offers a plethora of events for its users, each providing you with limited-time bonuses and special features. This includes Spotlight Hours, 60-minute windows where they feature a ...