A statement on the AA Road Watch website read: “Road closed and queueing traffic due to crash, a car and a motobike involved on A27 The Causeway both ways from A284 Arundel By Pass (Ford Road ...
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AA Traffic News said: “One lane closed and heavy traffic due to crash on A27 Lewes Road Eastbound between Coldean Lane (Hollingbury / Ditchling junction) and A270 (Stanmer Park).” The accident was ...
This article is brought to you by our exclusive subscriber partnership with our sister title USA Today, and has been written by our American colleagues. It does not necessarily reflect the view of ...
AA has reported a stalled vehicle blocking an area of the A27 The road is blocked eastbound at Coldean Lane Drivers should expect delays ...
Att producera ett helt batteri under ett och samma tak, det som ingen annan europeisk industri lyckats med, är Northvolts idé. Redan innan ett batteri har synts till lägger BMW en jätteorder.
För de kunder som hellre väljer en elbil så kommer nya ë-C4 och nya ë-C4 X levereras med en förbättrad räckvidd på upp till 420 kilometer tack vare en starkare och effektivare motor, samt ett större ...
Drivers are likely to face delays this morning (February 24) following a series of incidents on the A27 and M27. A crash on the M27 westbound at junction 12 resulted in a lane closure earlier this ...
Motorists were told to expect delays as the A27 in East Sussex remained closed in both directions on Friday morning. National Highways said the stretch of road between the A270 at Shoreham and the ...