The Freedom Party leader wants to be Austria’s “Volkskanzler,” or Chancellor of the People, a title once embraced by Adolf ...
Fueled by pandemic frustrations, populist parties are embracing anti-vaccine figures — in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Almost three years to the day since Russia invaded Ukraine, President Donald Trump accused Ukraine of starting the war. He ...
President Donald Trump’s tremendous start in sealing the U.S. border and deporting illegal migrants can be a springboard for ...
The country's Nazi-era racism persists, with Islamophobia normalised through laws and rhetoric that criminalise Muslims, and perpetuated by institutional complicity ...
This annual gathering of 200 clerics from across Europe speaks to how ‘football, like the gospel, is for everyone…’ ...
I heard, ‘Oh, well, we weren’t invited.’ Well, you’ve been there for three years. You should have ended it - three years. You ...
Slovakia is losing its competitiveness and attractiveness to investors. While Austria, as part of its strategy to support ...
From Habsburg Spain to Trump’s America, there’s no escaping the consequences of spending more on interest payments than on ...
Jacob Mikanowski is a historian, author, and journalist who takes us through Czechoslovakia's uniquely complex but, at the ...
A report shows governments across Europe and Central Asia increasingly targeted LGBTI people last year to promote laws that undermine broader civil liberties and democratic values.