Have you found aphids in your greenhouse? Don't panic. Overreacting, using harsh control methods, and inadvertently inviting ...
Aphids are harmful to roses, and a wide range of other popular garden plants, for many reasons. First, aphids snack on the ...
With our outdoor plants now properly covered with a blanket of snow, it’s time to turn our attention to our houseplants and ...
There is a tremendous range of soybean aphid populations in fields now. Some areas of Minnesota and some fields have very few aphids. You need to scout to make accurate and profitable decisions.
As the warmer weather becomes a breeding ground for all kinds of leaf-destroying bugs, plant-owners should be warned to make ...
Aphids may be nearly invisible to the untrained eye, but a research scientist who specializes in crop-destroying insects warns Saskatchewan farmers not to ...
In July winged forms fly off to infest other plants. Breeding stops in autumn when immature aphids seek sites to overwinter. On a healthy tree, woolly aphid is unlikely to do much damage, though it ...
In a field experiment, scientists compared two groups of insects with different diets and discovered a food-chain reaction.
Your description sounds like you have a problem with whiteflies and a population big enough that it requires treatment. Despite their name, they resemble moths more than flies and are a common ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. The Florida Entomologist Vol. 88, No. 2, Jun., 2005 Population Dynamics of the Cotton Aphid, ...