A woman has been hospitalized after biting her nails, and she has shared a warning to other people with the habit.
nail biting isn't necessarily something to be overly concerned about, especially in children. "Parents often assume that kids bite their nails because of anxiety or stress, but kids also bite ...
Ultimately, we don't know why nail biting is so common," says Greene. "It does appear to happen more frequently in those with anxiety, but this doesn't tell us why the behavior occurs." ...
It is a common habit for many people to bite their nails for a range of reasons - and often without realising it - but one ...
Most nail biters admit that the habit comes up when they’re nervous or when they’re bored. When you’re experiencing a lot of anxiety, biting your nails can be a way of releasing some of that ...
Some do it to cope with stress and anxiety while for others it could simply stem from boredom. Nail biting might seem like a harmless thing to do but the consequences can be larger than expected.
Instead of using nail polish that tastes bad, treat yourself to a nice manicure that you won’t be as tempted ruin by biting or picking ... If it’s connected to anxiety, talk about it with ...
It is very common for young children to suck their thumbs or put their hands in their mouths and nail biting can be a natural extension of this. Although it can be made worse by anxiety ...