The 1.8V GPIO library provides general purpose bidirectional I/O cells. These programmable, multi-voltage I/O’s give the system designer the flexibility to design to a wide range of performance ...
If sold after 1 year from purchase date, long term capital gain tax will be applicable. Current tax rate is 12.5%, if your total long term capital gain exceeds 1.25 lakh. Any cess/surcharge is not ...
WILLIAMSTON — A tattered sign blows in the wind at the chained-off entrance of Martin General Hospital. The hospital and its emergency department are closed, the bolded black letters on the sign ...
This is a truth every Zimbabwean needs to hear. Zimbabwe is a nation in distress, a country whose potential has been suffocated under the weight of systemic failure. Many reasons can be offered to ...
When the 2008 bond issue barely passed by 1%, the enrollment was 48,475. In 2024, the enrollment was 47,174. Since 2017, USD 259 has received a 35% increase in tax revenue. The cost per pupil has ...
Pasi Heikura käy korvat punaisina läpi suomalaista kiroilua tutkija Helmi Riihosen kanssa. Ohjelmassa tutustutaan kisällivaltion olemukseen ja harjoitetaan alkusoinnuttelua. Faasirikoksena kuulemme, ...
Lempo-Volleyn naisten edustus venytti voittosuoransa kymmenen ottelun mittaan kotiareenallaan kaatamalla sunnuntaisessa kamppailussa Raision Urheilijat lukemin 3–0 (25–20, 25–18, 25–21). Samalla ...
Miesten ykkössarjan kärkikamppailu Lempo-Volleyn ja Kuortaneen Murikoiden välillä oli tasainen ja tasokas. Kotijoukkuetta harmitti lopputulos, joka kääntyi Kuortaneelle erin 1 – 3 ...