The agency lacks the authority to regulate today’s small reactors, and there’s no need for it to do so.
The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is seen by many as one of the modern era's most incredible developments. And to be ...
Why embracing next-generation nuclear technology could solve energy shortages, reduce CO2 emissions, and secure a brighter ...
Russia and other hostile states have become increasingly brazen in adopting “gray zone” attacks against Europe and the United States, leaving defense officials with a dilemma: How to respond ...
The shocking moment was captured on video yesterday near the village of Santa Rosa by a stunned onlooker on a nearby raft. The small vessel had five tourists on at the time.
Beauty was extremely important in ancient Greece and not just for women but for men, as well. As admirers of beauty, ancient Greeks placed great emphasis on healthy skin, and, naturally, they ...
Two top European port visits have been dropped from an upcoming Regal Princess cruise, but guests have some time to adapt.
‘It’s getting to emergency status, where we really have to do something about the highway.’ ...