This Trump-administration initiative reduced the U.S. corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%. Much of the TJCA is set to expire at the end of 2025. Former President Donald Trump supports extending the ...
My wife passed away after an extended hospital stay. She had absolutely no assets, but our home is in both our names. Am I responsible for her medical debt? Can they take our house? (We have no health ...
Timing the market with the seasonal 'Halloween Indicator' When should you get back into stocks if you followed the market-timing adage to "Sell in May and go away?" I'm referring to the six-months on, ...
Media titan Rupert Murdoch is in court in Nevada trying to do something you're not supposed to be able to do: change an irrevocable trust.
PayPal shares are up 30% so far this year and on track for their first year of positive performance since a 117% rally in 2020. Shares are also up 36% in the past year, spanning the course of Chriss's ...
'Taking matters into your own hands is still the best move,' one analyst says of getting a lower APR on your credit card Credit-card interest rates are about to drop from their highest levels on ...
I am beyond hurt, but my husband cannot see my point of view, and says I'm just jealous of his daughter-in-law. Is this an unfair arrangement? It would cost me thousands of dollars for the upkeep of ...
My husband and I were married for 10 months before he passed away. But we were together for eight years. He had a very healthy pension, probably about $8,000 a month. We called to find out what the ...
All the while, geopolitical and political risks lurk in the background. An "October surprise" that shifts the calculus surrounding the November election could leave investors rattled. So could signs ...
"September's commodities market felt like a long-distance race where, after months of pacing themselves, the runners finally kicked into high gear," said Adam Koos, president of Libertas Wealth ...
This deficit in the supply of chips and chip-making tools means investors can shift their focus to physical transistors. These makers of "picks-and-shovels" wafer fab equipment can help solve the ...