It is an honor for me and my family to be present on this special occasion. To the Board of Trustees, the Academic Senate, and the entire academic community of ITB, I extend my deepest gratitude for ...
Graduate Programs in Environmental Engineering offer an opportunity to pursue a Master's and doctoral degree. The graduate programs available are field related to environmental protection and ...
is located on East General Lecture Hall Basement Floor and Jalan Tamansari No 80, open every Monday until Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Inside the bank, there is also a BNI ATM. Another ATM BNI ...
The Master Program in Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) was established in 1993, offering advanced education programs for a Master's degree ...
New material developments have been among the greatest achievements in history and they have been central to the growth, prosperity, security, and quality of human life since the beginning of history.
Instrumentation and Control Research Group (KK-INK) is one of many research groups in Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Creating, sharing and applying the ...
BANDUNG, - Rektor Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, M.T., melantik jajaran ...
Tim East ITB memperoleh penghargaan juara 1 dalam kompetisi LKTI-N Gdays Universitas Indonesia. (Dok. Tim East)BANDUNG, ...
Tim Safety First. (Dok. Tim)BANDUNG, - Tiga mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) yang tergabung dalam Tim ...
Edukasi kesehatan reproduksi dalam upaya pencegahan stunting (2024) Pengembangan Kit Diagnostik Hepatitits B, HIV, dan Sifilis Kombo Berbasis Imunokromatografi sebagai Alat untuk Mendeteksi Infeksi ...
Salam Ganesha merupakan salah satu program yang dibentuk di bawah BPUDL ITB. Salam Ganesha berperan sebagai wadah untuk engumpulkan donasi dari para alumni atau lembaga lain, yang hasilnya akan ...
JATINANGOR, – Masa transisi dari SMA ke perguruan tinggi kerap menjadi tantangan besar bagi banyak mahasiswa, terutama dalam hal mental. Perubahan lingkungan yang drastis, tuntutan akademik ...