"New protectionist policies in the US could have repercussions in some manufacturing countries of the EU such as Germany and Italy": this is the alarm raised by the Euro-Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni.
The Adecco Group's "Global Workforce of the Future 2024" research highlights how AI improves productivity, with an average ...
What impact will Trump’s return have on the American economy? Why is the Eurozone economy not recovering? What effect will Trump’s tariffs have? Will the Chinese government’s support measures be ...
From that meeting I drew the following hand which sees the protagonist Cristina Golin. After West's two-suited underopening ...
Acordo entre a Endesa (subsidiária espanhola da Enel) e a Acciona para a aquisição de um portfólio de 34 centrais hidroeléctricas no nordeste de Espanha, com uma capacidade total de 626 MW e uma produ ...
Acuerdo entre Endesa (filial española de Enel) y Acciona para la adquisición de una cartera de 34 centrales hidroeléctricas en el noreste de España, con una capacidad total de 626 MW y una producción ...
Vereinbarung zwischen Endesa (der spanischen Tochtergesellschaft von Enel) und Acciona über den Erwerb eines Portfolios von 34 Wasserkraftwerken im Nordosten Spaniens mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 626 ...
Accordo di Endesa (controllata spagnola di Enel) con Acciona per l’acquisizione di un portafoglio di 34 impianti ...
Endesa(Enel 西班牙子公司)与 Acciona 签署协议,收购西班牙东北部 34 座水力发电厂,总装机容量为 626 兆瓦,1,3 年发电量约为 2023 太瓦时。预计交割2025年上半年 集中精力后 恢复 和 减债,通过一系列有针对性的撤资和更加谨慎的成本管理, 意大利国家电力公司 改变步伐并继续进攻。意大利跨国能源公司,通过其西班牙子公司 恩德萨, 以 100 亿欧元收购 Corpo ...
Kabar baik bagi ribuan pensiunan: INPS telah mengkomunikasikan pembayaran tambahan sebesar 154,94 euro dan gaji bulan keempat belas, keduanya datang dengan pensiun Desember 2024. Berikut rinciannya ...
专访世界顶尖天然气专家之一、牛津能源研究所(OIES)天然气研究项目创始人、英国皇家研究所“能源与环境”项目长期主任乔纳森·斯特恩教授伦敦国际事务部探讨天然气市场的未来 关税、关税和能源: 关税、关税和能源三位一体。新的全球保护主义路线与日益复杂(且昂贵)的能源转型之间的阴险结合将对欧洲工业产生多大影响?等待找出关税金额 那将是 美国将在未来几个月推出 (以及随之而来的对策),唯一确定的事实是,从 ...
o Jogos Mundiais de Bridge em Buenos Aires ci hanno regalato oltre al prezioso argento della squadra open anche una Medaglia d'oro. Nel torneo a coppie le nostre Gianna Arrigoni e Gabriella Olivieri h ...