A woman driving westbound on the main thoroughfare through Los Alamos left her lane and ran head-on into an SUV driven by ...
The Department of Energy did not adequately study the environmental effects of producing nuclear-weapon cores in two states, a federal judge ruled Monday ...
The Department of Energy’s semiautonomous National Nuclear Security Administration was set to become landlord of the Savannah River Site in South Carolina ...
Steven Becker, Allen Croff, Tissa Illangasekare and Kenneth Peddicord left the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Friday as part of a major membership ...
Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and other senior officials from President Joe Biden’s (D) administration were to tour the Palisades Training Center ...
The Department of Energy gave $5.65 million to the National Nuclear Security Administration for 11 research projects in using plasmas to simulate nuclear ...
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) told a room of Navajo Nation members Tuesday that the Radiation Exposure Compensation Reauthorization Act would pass ...
Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, said Wednesday the federation changed its nuclear doctrine, specifically by adding new adversary actions to the ...
With less than a month of legislative work days remaining in the 118th Congress, lawmakers from California and Texas on Tuesday introduced a bill that ...
A Department of Energy report to Congress about cleaning up excess nuclear weapons facilities will be a few months late next year, the Government ...
The Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday recommended that the Senate vote on William “Ike” White’s nomination to join the Defense Nuclear Facilities ...
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Monday said it established an Atomic Safety Licensing Board to hear a local man’s arguments against granting ...