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Scientists have developed a sustainable sunscreen using lignin, a natural polymer. This innovative sunscreen boasts superior ...
Scientists have developed a groundbreaking technology that generates electricity from the Earth's infrared radiation.
Scientists at RIKEN suggest heavy-ion collisions could generate the strongest electromagnetic fields ever observed.
A major milestone for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), as the first of five vacuum vessel sectors ...
A new study reveals that the dwarf planet Ceres is much icier than previously thought, possibly harboring a subsurface ocean.
Developed by Base Molecular Resonance Technologies (BMRT), the patented technology can detect explosive elements and firearms ...
Paleontologists unearth a massive 600-pound dinosaur skull in Alberta, Canada. The 72-million-year-old fossil belongs to a Pachyrhinosaurus.
Researchers from the University of Waterloo have devised a way to precisely control the laser light used to manipulate qubits ...
Equipping the Shahed-136 drones with SpaceX’s Starlink could give a massive boost to Russia's war efforts against Ukraine.
Explore the groundbreaking field of molecular de-extinction and its potential in tackling antibiotic resistance with César de ...
Developed by researchers at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, the toolkit helps accelerator builders better ...