Watch 3D-Printed Lion and LifeCard, The Best of IE This Week on Interesting Engineering. Explore the latest in technology!
Scientists have developed a sustainable sunscreen using lignin, a natural polymer. This innovative sunscreen boasts superior ...
Scientists at RIKEN suggest heavy-ion collisions could generate the strongest electromagnetic fields ever observed.
Scientists have developed a groundbreaking technology that generates electricity from the Earth's infrared radiation.
A major milestone for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), as the first of five vacuum vessel sectors ...
A new study reveals that the dwarf planet Ceres is much icier than previously thought, possibly harboring a subsurface ocean.
Developed by Base Molecular Resonance Technologies (BMRT), the patented technology can detect explosive elements and firearms ...
Paleontologists unearth a massive 600-pound dinosaur skull in Alberta, Canada. The 72-million-year-old fossil belongs to a Pachyrhinosaurus.
Equipping the Shahed-136 drones with SpaceX’s Starlink could give a massive boost to Russia's war efforts against Ukraine.
Researchers said that fermented apple juice contains high level of flavonoid and ranks highly in taste, making it an ...
Explore the groundbreaking field of molecular de-extinction and its potential in tackling antibiotic resistance with César de ...
Watch Why Apple & Samsung are Failing to Innovate on Interesting Engineering. Explore the latest in technology!