A powerful, deadly earthquake struck at the heart of civil war-ravaged Myanmar on Friday, piling fresh misery on an impoverished nation that was cut off from much of the world even before this natural disaster struck.
When Friday's powerful earthquake struck central Myanmar, Htet Min Oo was performing ritual ablutions before Ramadan prayers at a mosque next to his house in Mandalay.
In a censored nation that runs on rumor and omens, people in Myanmar wonder whether the latest disaster might be a portent of regime change.
Win Win has been glued to social media for the past day, trying to work out whether her family in Myanmar's Mandalay survived Friday's powerful earthquake, distracting herself at the Taiwan restaurant where she works by serving samosas and other snacks.
The Valdivian Earthquake, or the Great Chilean Earthquake, is the largest on record. It measured in at a magnitude of 9.5. off the coast of Chile near Valdivia and Puerto Montt area.
The effects of the Trump administration’s deep cuts in foreign assistance will be tested in any response to the first big natural disaster of his second term.
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Min Aung Hlaing, chief of Myanmar's ruling junta, had issued a rare appeal for international aid following Friday's quake, which has killed over 1,000 people.
Myanmar’s powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake has killed over 1,000 people, as the death toll keeps climbing amid rescue efforts
The 7.7 magnitude quake, with an epicenter near Mandalay, Myanmar ‘s second largest city, struck at midday and was followed by a strong 6.4 magnitude aftershock.
Friday's devastating earthquake that struck Myanmar caused the air traffic control tower at Naypyitaw International Airport to collapse.