As demolition continues at Li'l Abner Mobile Home Park in Sweetwater, the property is facing $108,466 in fines after asbestos ...
As residents clear out of the Li’l Abner mobile home park, looting, vandalism and trash have created an environment of fear ...
Six weeks earlier, Sánchez, 55, had left behind the trailer in the Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park. In November, the property owner announced the park would be closing to make way for a new ...
SWEETWATER, Fla. – A fire at the Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park in Sweetwater has left remaining residents fearful for their safety as the community continues to empty ahead of demolition.
Demolition began Thursday at a Sweetwater mobile home park where hundreds were forced to move to make way for new housing. Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park on Northwest 2nd Terrace is where more than 900 ...
Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park residents in Sweetwater have until mid-May to find another place, so many have left, but the ones who remain continued to protest and ask for help on Wednesday.
Residents say neglect is to blame for the fire that burned through a vacant trailer in Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park on Northwest 2nd Terrace on Sunday. The mobile home park is where more than 900 ...
Miami-Dade County is hitting a Sweetwater mobile home park with a hefty fine.The county said the Li’l Abner Mobile Home ...