Approximately 2,69,000 posts in government jobs, spanning grades 13 to 16 (formerly class III) and 17 to 20 (formerly ...
We thank the High Commissioner for his report on Bangladesh. It presents critical evidence of extrajudicial executions, ...
Nasreen also stated that Jamaat-e-Islami should be banned again because they do not believe in democracy and allegedly want ...
Sarjis Alam, the Chief Organizer (Northern Region) of the newly formed National Citizen Party (NCP), said that there would ...
I am retiring from politics entirely. I have relinquished even my primary membership in the Awami League. At 76, politics is no longer for me. It is time for new leadership to emerge.' ...
Nafeez obtained the license of an asset management company called RACE Asset Management PCL in 2008. Hasan Taher Imam was his ...
Visiting Dhaka in January, it felt like the climate of fear that had pervaded the country for many years had finally been ...
UN condemns Bangladesh's violent past, highlights human rights abuses under Sheikh Hasina's rule. Calls for accountability ...
Some of the students who took part in last year’s uprising that ousted the nation’s autocratic leader are leaving the interim ...
Students in Bangladesh who led a mass uprising to topple former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in August are now diving into politics by forming a new political party.
The Nobel laureate said the situation in Bangladesh had severely affected him, and he was concerned about how the country would deal with the challenges ahead ...
Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus has emphasized the need for comprehensive documentation of human rights violations ...