In this column, we are going to look at the way the Church is the hope for a hopeless society. Jesus founded this Church, but ...
During these thousand years, this period was nourished by legends and unfounded speculations, such as the alleged conversion of the Khazars, used to compensate for the lack of historical sources. It ...
[Exodus 3:14; NAB] God's name - YHWH (Yahweh) - translates as "I AM WHO AM ... [Matt 28:19] The Trinity is three Persons in one God, and not three gods. Jesus Christ is the second Person of ...
Anything that causes the Israelites to abandon Yahweh and follow after other gods is a capital crime. Even if the prophecy seems to come to pass, if it results in adherence to false religious beliefs, ...
He gave attention to His people. An intimacy between Yahweh and His people was special. Foreign gods were distant and aloof needing to be cajoled. Prayer to them was often pleading, even grovelling.
Another estimate by Ziony Zevit placed Yahweh’s height at “ca. two hundred and twenty-three centimetres tall,” based on ...