Even at this age, his class- mates described him as solitary and aloof. The one passion he had was cars. So at 16, with few other options, he got a job as a mechanic. He drifted between several ...
Feb. 17, 2025 — Reintroducing wolves to the Scottish Highlands could lead to an expansion of native woodland which could take in and store one million tons of CO2 annually, according to a new ...
Apoorva Mukhija, known as Rebel Kid, has been removed from the IIFA ambassador list following controversy over her appearance in Samay Raina's show, India's Got Latent. The decision follows threats ...
Alex Kis is keeping our four-legged friends on the right side of the law in 7TWO's News of the Wild. Now, she's back on our screens and in our living rooms, keeping our four-legged friends on the ...
Rebelsport is offering a clearance sale on women's clothing with discounts of up to 50% off. Shop now and enjoy the sale prices on a wide range of women's clothing items. The sale is available for ...
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