A mosasaur may have laid this football-size egg 68 million years ago.
Antarctic midge survives extreme climate through quiescence and obligate diapause, key to its survival in harsh environment.
Rising Stars the traveling trader, overlooked ETFs, the future of the dollar: catch up on what you've missed this week.
One of the most vast glaciers in Antarctica, the Doomsday Glacier, has got an international team of scientists concerned ...
Two BGSU students and their professor will spend much of spring semester in Antarctica studying undersea volcanoes.
A Wisconsin doctor ran seven marathons on seven continents, from Antarctica to North America, to raise awareness of ...
WENATCHEE — Penguins, a princess ballerina and an African circus take the stage at Numerica Performing Arts Center in these ...
A new book explores how one biologist’s work at the North and South Poles changed the way he sees the world and our place in ...
An artistic depiction of the Late Cretaceous modern (crown) bird, Vegavis iaai, pursuit diving for fish in the shallow ocean ...
Discover how the Antarctic midge, Antarctica's only native insect, survives extreme cold through unique adaptations.
Extensive evidence, including global temperature and sea ice data, shows Earth's climate is changing due to human activity.
What's the only native insect of Antarctica have to do to survive? A research team has uncovered the special ability of the Antarctic midge to prosper in an extreme environment.