A research team from Osaka University investigates the impact of antioxidant enzymes on specific cell types and their role in ...
A study of nematodes by researchers at Nagoya University in Japan has found that aging-related decline in brain function is ...
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a promising new approach that could be used to treat a rare and ...
Auron Therapeutics has raised a $27 million Series B financing that it will use to initiate clinical development of its lead experimental drug, AUTX-703, in blood cancers.
Scientists have discovered that some tiny segments of RNA thought to be junk instead have a functional role in suppressing production of certain messenger RNAs and appear to help cells respond to ...
Boehringer will leverage ExpressionEdits' Genetic Syntax Engine which generates optimized introns to increase protein expression.
The team announced its “ultrahigh energy” neutrino on Wednesday, in a paper published in the journal Nature. The finding ...
An extraordinary event consistent with a neutrino with an estimated energy of about 220 PeV (220 x 1015 electron volts or 220 ...