Redditor u/ Ghost7579ox asked, "What’s an urban legend you know that’s actually true?" From local myths to famous folklore, ...
Looking for some help with today's NYT Connections game? Some hints and the answers for today's game are right here.
While there are great songs all over movies from the '80s, there are few that had the cultural impact as Public Enemy's ...
Starbucks launched a line of Blackberry Sage Refreshers, so we decided to taste them to see which one is the best of the ...
These nine massive thrift stores are packed with unique finds, making them the perfect spots to explore for hours on end.
Getting news from apps or social media presents a challenge of trying to make sure that news is legit. Well, a class at Cox High School is tackling those concerns head-on.
On April 5, 1992, more than 62,000 people piled into the Hoosier Dome to see Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Randy Savage.
If you were born in 1989 like me, let's go down memory lane and discover some of Mattel's most exciting Hot Wheels ...
To live healthier, start with the small stuff like using less salt and drinking water first thing in the morning.
Datura is also known as Thornapple, Moonflower, or Jimsonweed. According to the U.S. Forest Service, "Daturas have been used as poisons, medicines, and ritual intoxicant agents since time immemorial" ...