How serious are those strange white bumps that suddenly appear on your body? Not very, unless they're something else ...
Fordyce spots on the penis can often look like other skin conditions like Molluscum contagiosum, milium cysts, epidermoid ...
A common condition that can affect up to 70 to 80 percent of adults, but many won't know what it is and why they get it ...
Lech Kowalski’s footage of the Dallas show in 1980 punk doc D.O.A. fills in the detail; having had his lips burst by an airborne beer can, Sid thrusts his bloodied face towards a female fan, prompting ...
Bearded ghoul fish Wart-covered body, venomous dorsal spines ... Its ability to retract its lips beneath its eyes or protrude out in front of its snout is one of its most distinctive characteristics.
The human body is a complex thing, and it is constantly undergoing changes. While some changes might occur gradually, there ...
Former Tate Modern director Vicente Todolí founded Todolí Citrus Fundació to preserve rare citrus varieties and compile a catalogue of farming knowledge to inspire future generations.
They are long, narrow columns of flesh that stick out of the skin. Filiform warts most often appear on the face, especially around the eyes, nose, and lips. They do not appear in clusters. Despite ...
Including solutions to problems that have been bothering you forever — I'm talking ear wax, dandruff, and sweat marks. View ...
If sex is a painful experience, it could be caused by a serious illness that might require medical attention. Read on for its ...
Over time, it can turn hard and wart-like. It may develop a horn-like texture ... Cold sores and fever blisters appear around the lip and mouth area. HSV-2 is usually responsible for genital herpes.