N2OFF (NITO) announced it has signed a binding term sheet with Solterra Energy to collaborate exclusively on renewable energy projects in Albania for one year, focusing primarily on solar energy ...
Now there are optional alternative cost percentages for developers of solar projects that use solar cells manufactured with domestically-produced wafers to appropriately recognize cost differentials ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Nah, ini ada kabar baiknya. Penelitian terbaru dari Rutgers New Jersey Medical School menunjukkan bahwa lemak coklat atau brown adipose tissue (BAT) memiliki manfaat luar biasa dalam meningkatkan ...
KOMPAS.com - Roti sobek pisang coklat ala toko roti adalah salah satu camilan manis yang lembut dan lumer di mulut. Kombinasi roti empuk, manisnya pisang, dan cokelat yang meleleh membuat sajian ini ...
After hours: 7:59:54 p.m. EST ...
Atty. Buko Dela Cruz, Vic Sotto's legal counsel, gave a strong response to Darryl Yap's recent Facebook post. The post came after Sotto filed 19 counts of cyber libel against Yap over the ...
Harga coklat Dubai relatif mahal karena para penjual umumnya menggunakan bahan baku premium. Hal itulah yang membuat varian coklat satu ini terkesan mewah dibandingkan coklat lainnya. Cara membuat ...
Sebelum membahas perbedaan flek menstruasi dan flek tanda hamil, mari kita pahami dahulu mengapa bisa terjadi perdarahan saat awal kehamilan. Flek tanda kehamilan atau perdarahan implantasi adalah ...